Uninstaller pro
Uninstaller pro

uninstaller pro

The "Monitored Programs" module helps monitor any changes made to your system during the installation of a new program. Total Uninstall can monitor new installations.

uninstaller pro

This is used to do a complete uninstall, without the help of the provided built-in uninstaller. With "Installed Programs" module, Total Uninstall analyzes the installed program and creates the installation log. Accurately analyzes installed programs to completely uninstall them. With Revo, I no longer have to rely upon every application’s uninstaller not to leave leftovers all over my system.Total Uninstall easily removes any program. In my line of work, I constantly install and uninstall applications. This can be handy for accounting purposes and general record-keeping. The resulting file can be an HTML document, a text file, or an Excel spreadsheet. It can export many details about every application, including its size, version, installation date, and more. The second major feature Revo Uninstaller Pro provides is exporting the list of installed applications on your system. You’d be able to remove it directly from Revo Uninstaller Pro, without even running the app’s built-in uninstaller. In the future, when you want to uninstall the application you’ve logged, you won’t have to trust its uninstaller to tidy up in its wake. You can finally stop recording the installer by that time, Uninstaller Pro probably has a very complete log of all changes the application made to your computer. Vendor Revo Group recommends you next run and configure the application you’ve just installed.

Uninstaller pro